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The Premier news...
Read what we've been up to
Does June bring UK business growth?
Despite the perceived uncertainty surrounding the UK economy, there is a lot of positive news around at the moment. The Financial Times...
Premier Summer update
Despite a lot of negative publicity surrounding the current Brexit situation, we are seeing a steady increase in business clients...
How businesses can stay up to date with new equipment needs: Is finance for you?
If you’re a business wanting to upgrade any of your equipment, like your phone system, security CCTV system, office furniture, coffee and...
6 reasons why you should be leasing equipment for your School...
State funded Schools and Academies are not allowed to borrow money. The only type of lease agreement that they have the power to sign is...
Why leasing will benefit your Business
Whatever your industry and requirements, choosing to lease your equipment offers many benefits when compared to traditional methods of...
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